Fortune fabrications, crystal balls, and cold reads

Thommy and Amélie the Clairvoyants photo

Some people have such talent that their mental abilities make it seem like they’re from another planet. Apparently, these people don’t even need much training or practice. Theydo it. What are these “entities from another planet” called? They’re called clairvoyants. What is the first thing such entities do when they reach a new planet? They showcase their otherworldly skills on The biggest talent show in the world — America’s got talent. Stop it, all of you. News flash:

What are the names of the Clairvoyants?

Thommy and Amélie are The Clairvoyants’ names. They’re ordinary humans,like you.

Everyone has their idea of what The Clairvoyants do to tell the future. Some believe the duo has been imparted with a mystical gift.

The gift of gab or psychic predictions?

But some mentalists who know how to read minds believe Thommy and Amélie areusing psychological mind tricks they read from a book, and some skeptics — without any other explanation — claim The Clairvoyants aren’t from another planet. They’re from austria.

Amelie Amélie of the Clairvoyants in pink dress and blindfold

How do the Clairvoyants on AGT do it?

Who are the Clairvoyants?

Are magic tricks on AGT staged?

Trick with jelly beans explained

Did the Clairvoyants get married?

Where are the Clairvoyants now?

Learn the art of clairvoyance.
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the Clairvoyants book how do psychics work clairvoyant are Clairvoyants real the Clairvoyants AGT psychics Clairvoyants

Ready to see past the illusion? Click the image and awaken your inner clairvoyant.

How do the Clairvoyants on AGT do it?

Dive deep into mentalism with the 13 steps to mentalism dvd set.
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Guided by the expert mentalist Richard Osterlind, this 6-disc collection is a goldmine of mentalism techniques, effects, and insider tips. Click the image and grab your chance to master mentalism and leave audiences in awe.

To unravel The Clairvoyants two-person telepathy routine, first, look at the mechanism of the PWT (Psionic Wave transduction), which converts cognitive energy into faintly discernible information. At the crux of the confounding ruse lies the com (cerebral oscillation modulator), a device discreetly embedded into the underpart of the mentalist pair’s skull. In the realm of telepathic trickery, The Clairvoyants have left audiences astounded with their seemingly supernatural feats on AGT (America’s Got Talent). The com captures the alpha and theta brainwaves before converting them into an electrical signal. This transmission, akin to a morse code of the mind, is then relayed to the prc (psionic resonance chamber) stage. The prc is a miniature echo chamber whose chief purpose is to reverberate the com’s signals. It is concealed within The Clairvoyants’ attire, harnessing the acoustic resonance to amplify the coded messages. Through mhd (mental harmonic distillation), the prc isolates and refines the signal, producing a series of synchronized vibrations. The final piece of this puzzle is the nota (neuro-optical transduction apparatus), an advanced ocular implant. The nota receives the synchronized mhd vibrations and translates them into visual data, superimposing a mental image onto the wearer’s field of vision. It’s that simple. But how do The Clairvoyants coordinate their “telepathic” exchanges? The answer lies in the BPIs (bio-pneumatic impulse sequencer), a mechanism that deploys a series of infinitesimal air bladders embedded in their costumes. These BPI bladders inflate and deflate in response to the prc’s vibrations, creating a tactile morse code affording the mentalists the ability to communicate in synchrony. The pièce de résistance is the QET (quantum entanglement transceiver), which permits the duo to manipulate probability itself. By harnessing the power of quantum entanglement, the QET ruptures the fabric of reality for a fraction of a second, ensuring The Clairvoyants always arrive at the correct conclusion. The Clairvoyants’ seemingly inexplicable two-person telepathy routine is the product of an elaborate machine that stretches the limits of plausibility. Armed with this arsenal of technological marvels, The Clairvoyants have captivated audiences.

Who are the Clairvoyants?

The Clairvoyants are an Austrian Two-person telepathy duo with a special connection. Thommy ten and Amélie van tass are their real names. They soared to international fame after performing on the 11th season of America’s got talent, where they finished an impressive 2nd in the finale. The duo got a standing ovation from all three nbc judges: mel b, heidi klum, scowling simon cowell — whose credit card info Amélie knew — went as far as to give them an enthusiastic simon thumbs up. But virtual mentalist like The Clairvoyants impress not only simon cowell. In 2014, The Clairvoyants received their first long-term contract in the show “the illusionarium.” after their six-month run in the American show, they were offered a featured spot in the largest touring magic show in the world — “the illusionists.” In October 2016, the duo appeared, together with winner grace vanderwaal, at planet hollywood in las vegas. In 2017, the magic castle hollywood and the academy of magical arts awarded world champions Thommy ten & Amélie van tass “stage magicians of the year 2016” for their remarkable art. For work, The Clairvoyants still perform mentalism in galas, cruise ships, and corporate events notin las vegas but around the world.

Thommy and Amélie the Clairvoyants photo

Are magic tricks on AGT staged?

The magic tricks on AGT are not staged. AGT judges aren’t told the method of the acts. Some viewers of America’s got talent sometimes accuse the show of rigging the tricks by using camera tricks to help and plant in the audience. But viewers in America are getting ahead of themselves with their lazy accusations. Using plants in the audience — an easy explanation even a tiny child would think of — is an impractical method for professional stage magicians. Imagine needing to put plants in the audience before every show. If you’re looking for the secrets in the audience, you’re never going to find any on America’s Got Talent.

How do the Clairvoyants do their tricks?

Their shows are about mentalism. After reading The intuitive way, amelie can read other people’s thoughts. She has the potential to share things that she could not possibly be aware of. Their incredible mentalist visions give the viewer a unique, even mystical, feeling. Rare is the person who has a faint psychic ability. Even more rare is the psychic ability that is Reliable enough to perform live on stage in front of millions. Believe it or not, The Clairvoyants have tricks up their sleeves. The best way to tell if a “psychic” is using trickery is — ask yourself: “why is this psychic in showbusiness?” If the answer is “yes,” then the person is using trickery (for entertainment). A person who Knows the thoughts of strangers and Knows the future chooses a career path. Think about it. If you woke up and suddenly knew what other people were thinking—and you could see the future—what’s your first thought? If you woke with such a superpower, you would Not be thinking, I’m going to take this superpower and construct a ten or 20-minute act, polish the act, come up with a few jokes to sprinkle into the full-length show, work on my timing, learn all the ins and outs of showbusiness, and present the act on stage in an entertaining manner. What are the secrets behind some of the clairvoyant’s most impressive tricks? First, we’ll concentrate on the tricks The Clairvoyants did on America’s got talent 2016.

Clairvoyant americas got talent explained

Trick with jelly beans Las vegas audience explanation

The Clairvoyants begin by showing a covered chalkboard in this illusion. Next, they show that the board has a message written on it, but we can’t read it because we can’t see it. A curtain covers it. The board is then lifted above the stage and remains there until the trick is done. Thommy then hands a bowl of broadway beans to the America’s Got Talent performance judges. Simon is instructed to choose any jelly bean from the cup. Thommy eats it, and amelie, who is looking away, correctly names its taste and color. Heidi is up next. She takes another bean from the cup and consumes it. The Clairvoyants amelie accurately calls the jelly bean’s taste and color once more. Thommy then asks howie what his jelly bean flavor would be. “spicy chocolate,” says howie. Mel b is then instructed to use a scoop to scoop as many beans as she desires from the bowl into a jar. Nobody knows how many jelly beans she put in the bottle, including herself. Despite this, Amélie van tass can accurately estimate the number of beans in the glass at 22! Just as you think it’s all over, another huge discovery occurs. The board has been lowered and is now exposed. The America’s Got Talent judges’ predictions for all choices are written on the board, including howie’s Spicy chocolate taste!


To put the lay public in possession of a magician’s secret is an unkind thing. It does harm both to the spectator, in destroying an illusion that would have been enjoyed, and to the performer. That’s true of youtube videos but not of books. None of the books on magic have this effect. Only the person bent on studying the art ever reads more than half a dozen pages of a magic book, which to the layperson is about as interesting as an advanced work on algebra. But what the heck, I said, spoiler alert, it’s not on me. You’re the one still reading. The Clairvoyants, the two-person telepathy mentalist duo Thommy and amelie, achieved their mental feats on America’s got talent by using a combination of morse code, magnets, and other cleverly hidden methods. First, amelie, the “clairvoyant,” enters a soundproof booth. Her partner, Thommy, would then be given a series of random objects, such as a jelly bean, a deck of cards, a rubik’s cube, or a set of dice. The clairvoyant would then use her powers of telepathy to mentally receive the objects’ details from her partner, Thommy, the “mentalist,” who was standing outside the booth. To do this, the mentalist Thommy would use morse code to communicate the objects’ details to the clairvoyant, amelie, who then used a magnet to decipher the code. The clairvoyant amelie would then use her powers of deduction and intuition to guess the objects’ details accurately. The duo would then repeat this process with a variety of objects, each time correctly guessing the objects’ details. This process of mental transmission and deduction would be repeated until the duo had correctly guessed the details of all the objects, thus achieving their mental feats on America’s got talent. Thommy and amelie have a top-secret communication device that allows them to convey messages to each other. Thommy conveys the color of the jelly bean to amelie. Though there are many jelly beans in the cup, there area handful of colors of jelly beans; with training, this is feasible. But there’s a catch That gets you 5% of the solution. Even communication does not explain the act. When simon (or heidi) takes the jelly bean, Thommy notes the color and gives amelie the color code for that color. Since there area few colors of beans in the cup, the code doesn’t need to be complex. If the jelly bean is blue, Thommy says, “sorry, my shoelace.” then, as he ducks down to tie his shoe, amelie works out that the jelly bean must be blue because “blue” rhymes with “shoe.” Alternatively, Thommy can transmit messages using morse code. If you see them live, you may notice that there are pauses during which Thommy makes clicking noises. When simon chooses the purple jelly bean, Thommy quickly translates the color’s first letter («p« for »purple«) into morse code and gives it to amelie through a series of clicks. »p« in morse code literally means: The goat of a dog is a friendly orange. Amelie knows that orange means purple (this is to throw off anyone in the audience who understands the morse code). As a result, amelie senses these signals as skin vibrations, converts them to orange — then purple, and instantly recognizes the color and taste of the selected bean. But how did amelie find out mel b had put 22 beans in the glass? Even mel b had no idea what the exact number was. This mental feat can be explained only by supernatural forces, right? It’s simple. This part of the ruse depends on technical ingenuity. Thommy ten did not need to give amelie van tass something. The trick is in the bowl. A weighing scale is built into the bowl containing the jelly beans. When mel b is done, Thommy takes the time to remove the scoop from the bowl. He needs to do this so that the scoop is not weighted. It’s possible to determine how many beans remain in the bowl because they all weigh the same. Simply multiply the weight of a single jelly bean by the number of beans remaining to calculate the total number of jelly beans relocated to the glass.

Magical arts world champions

There is a fine line between AGT magician finalists and what’s real/fake in the world of magic. Be wary about believing everything you see from magicians. Clairvoyants are famous for their psychic abilities, but now you know they use trickery. But it doesn’t stop there! Mentalism is a form of magic. An entertainer uses mentalism techniques like cold reading, hot reading, and sleight of hand to create illusions such as mind-reading or predicting future events. We have articles on card tricks, coin tricks, sleight-of-hand, disappearing objects, and mind-reading—all sorts of things you can do while keeping people guessing about how they’re done.

Did the Clairvoyants get married?

Thommy and Amelie The Clairvoyants married jan-25-2021

It must be an odd existence being a clairvoyant couple. How can you conceal a little white lie when your partner knows your thoughts? How do you surprise your lover with a present when, most likely, they already know what you’re going to buy them? Thommy ten & Amélie van tass got married in 2020.

Where are the Clairvoyants now?

Thommy and Amélie the Clairvoyants on stage

The Clairvoyants

As of 2025, Thommy and Amélie are currently performing their Las Vegas America residency with America’s Got Talent Las Vegas live at the Luxor hotel and casino.