
“Illusions are frozen magic. Magic is liquid illusion.” – Jon Finch


Midwestern charm, global talent

magician Jon Finch

The world’s local magician

His methods have stumped the biggest names in magic and mentalism, but his unconventional performance style — making participants of all spectators — keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.

“His show was insane.

Going to send Jon’s name out to a few people internally so that I can share with others the fact that “OMG he guessed the card THROUGH THE COMPUTER what the hell is happening!?”

His show was a hit with the team for sure and I’m going to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how exactly Jon Finch does this.”

Max Brunet, Workday

An odd prodigy

In the heart of a nondescript midwestern school, a peculiar child named Jon Finch began to stir the waters of normalcy. His unconventional response to a mundane art assignment left his third-grade teacher, Ms. Bell, and his classmates in a state of bewildered awe. While his peers sketched the banalities of school buses and trees, Jon etched a complex pattern of interlocking geometric shapes onto his paper.

The shock rippled through the classroom when Ms. Bell discovered Jon’s drawing was an uncanny replica of a page in the art book she had been idly perusing.

Oblivious to the extraordinary nature of his feat, the young boy apologized for his “mediocre” drawing, vowing to improve next time.


She immediately alerted his grandfather.

The emergence of eerie

From that day forward, Jon Finch was regarded with a strange mix of curiosity and unease.

Jon’s eerie ability to “see the shapes” on his paper earned him the monikers “Spooky Jon,” “Odd Jon,” and even “Strange Jon.” But Jon Finch isn’t strange. He’snot normal.

His peculiar talent alienated him from his peers, but he was undeterred. Embracing his oddity he transformed the “strange” into a formidable asset. Over the years, he began to merge his midwestern charm with a bone-chilling ability to know thoughts.

“The truth remains hidden while you cling to illusions.” – Jon Finch


Talk with Jon Finch

The enigma

Today, Jon Finch is far from ordinary.

To his audiences, he’s an enigma, delivering a sense of awe that leaves them gasping in disbelief. His psychological techniques allow him to trace the unspoken thoughts of multiple people, presenting an inexplicable mind-reading experience that has left corporate audiences worldwide in a state of stunned silence.

Obscure origins

Little is known about Jon Finch’s early life. Born in a hollow on the borders of Illinois and Indiana, he migrated with his family to a town so quiet it was almost eerie. His first encounter with magic occurred in his school’s auditorium, where a stage magician selected young Jon as a volunteer. The magician’s tricks, designed to humiliate Jon, instead ignited a spark within him. That day, Jon vowed to become the magician he wished he could remember and pledged to eradicate bad magic from the world.

The unconventional path to magic

Jon’s path into magic was as unconventional as the man himself. His first-grade teacher discovered him engrossed in an encyclopedia during recess, prompting his grandfather to procure a magic set and more books for the inquisitive boy. At the age of nine, Jon met Chuck Norris, and it was around this time that his ability to read the concrete thoughts of strangers surfaced.


“In the silence of reality, magic is the echo of the unimaginable.” – Jon Finch


The incident that echoed through the halls

One incident from Jon’s high school years stands out. When a classmate froze with stage fright during a reading, Jon, seated in the middle of the classroom, recited the rest of the paragraph to save her from embarrassment. When asked how he knew the words, Jon simply replied, “I can see the words.” This incident further solidified Jon’s reputation as an individual of extraordinary abilities.

Undertaking the unsettling

Jon Finch’s performances can be described as “The Understanding of the Unsettling.” He added feats of mentalism to his magic, using his gift of mind magic to heighten his performances. His shows are a perfect marriage of mystery and comedy, leaving audiences in awe and disbelief.

A reclusive virtuoso

Jon Finch was the first magician in the Midwest to create a mystique in the public’s eye. He vanished from public view for 10 years—from 2004 to 2014—seemingly without an offstage life. Finch re-emerged in 2014, his performances shrouded in mystery and laced with comedy, leaving audiences in a state of awe-struck bewilderment. After a decade-long hiatus, he returned to the stage, now performing his virtual act, “Miracle Man,” before many disbelieving eyes. Whether you encounter him as a corporate entertainer, at an award ceremony, or even pilfering your friend’s watch, Jon Finch is sure to leave you astounded.

The maestro of mental magic

Jon Finch has now become a maestro of virtual magic, performing his act “Miracle Man” before many incredulous eyes. Whether you catch him as a corporate entertainer, at an award ceremony, or even pilfering your friend’s watch, you will witness objects levitate from your hands and secret thoughts in your head spill from his mouth. As Jon likes to say, “It’s a cinch for a Finch.”

Curtain call

His innovative methods have baffled the biggest names in magic and mentalism, and his unconventional performance style keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. His journey from a young boy with an unusual talent to a world-renowned mentalist is a testament to his determination and unique abilities.

As he continues to perform in 2023, using his gift of mind magic to heighten his performances, one thing is certain. Jon Finch is a true artist of astonishment.

“What the *&#! #!@&% $#&&@-*&#!&-$#! is happening!?”



“In the orchestra of life, magic is the snare that shatters ordinary silence.”- Jon Finch

The early years

Jonathan Finch Indianapolis Magician

Little is known of Jon Finch’s early background, though it would seem he was born at a early age between 1912 and 1992 in a hollow on the borders of Illinois and Indiana. He then migrated with his family to what is commonly known as “a sleepy little town.”

Finch’s first experience of magic took place in his school’s auditorium.

At five years old, young magician Jon sat in the audience holding his hand high. The stage magician — dressed in a plaid tuxedo — selected young Jon as a volunteer. Suddenly, young Jon Finch found himself on stage with the fearsome magic menace towering over him.

The plaid-clothed magician handed the boy a shiny magic wand which turned to ashes in young Jon’s hands.

The stage magician shouted,

“Boy! Why have you done this!”

The kindergarten crowd roared in laughter.

With a looming evil grin the magician handed Jon a wooden box, commanding the boy to open it.

The box was unopenable!

Witnessing Jon’s failure on stage, neither his classmates nor his teachers could contain their laughter.

“Why, young man, even someone with half a brain can open that box!”

The audience of children and adults erupted again in laughter.

In this way, the show continued — the audience howling in laughter at the humiliation of Jon Finch. But, accompanied by the sound of jeers, Jon never did manage to open that wooden box.

That was the last time Jon saw the magician in plaid.

Oddly, that was the last anyone saw of him.

Jon Finch would hold onto that fury for the remainder of his life until Monday evening when the magician in plaid will face his final curtain.

That day on stage was the day Finch decided to become the magician he wished he could remember.

And eliminate bad magic from the world for good.

How did Jon Finch get into magic?

Jon Finch got into magic the same way most people get out of magic. For the same reasons.

His grandfather procured a magic set— and more books — for curious Jon Finch.


than any other magician

At 9 years old Jon Finch met Chuck Norris.

Norris shook hands, smiled, and even winked at the young Jon Finch. It was during this time that Finch’s ability to read the concrete thoughts of strangers surfaced. At the urging of Jon’s priest, Finch underwent a thorough examination.

Many are the stories recounted about Jon Finch, and no doubt some embellishments have been added after years of being told and retold. Still, the following one was vouched for by Finch himself and was recorded by Jon’s first biographer.

High school.

Reading from her book in front of the class, Sally Davis froze with stage fright halfway through the sentence. Jon, impatient, recited the rest of the paragraph to save face for her.

Seated in the middle of the classroom, Jon rescued Sally from this uncomfortable moment.

When the teacher asked Jon whether he had read the book before, he said, “I’m not into books like that. I like nonfiction books.”

The teacher said, “Then how did you know the words?”

Jon: “I can see the words.”

Classmate: “You can’t see the words from there!”

Jon: “I can’t?”

The Art of Astonishment is a fitting description of his performances.

An exclamation like “How do you know that!?” is like elevator music to Jon Finch (he finds it soothing).

Finch added feats of mentalism to his magic and never looked back. He continues in 2023 to use his gift of mind magic to heighten his performances.

The Perfect Marriage of Mystery And Comedy

Jon Finch was the first magician in the Midwest to create a mystique in the public’s eye. Not seen in public for 10 years—from 2004 to 2014—apparently without an offstage life, Finch returned to the stage in 2014.

The Virtual Virtuoso now performs his virtual act Miracle Man before many unbelieving eyes. Whether you catch him as a corporate entertainer, or you catch him at an award ceremony, or you catch him stealing your friend’s watch—at Miracle Man, you will see objects float out of your hands and secret thoughts in your head flow out of his mouth.

He makes it look easy. As Jon likes to say, “It’s a cinch for a Finch.”

jon Finch
jon Finch

Expect real magic for anUNREAL virtual event. Expect an experience you will remember for several lifetimes if you get the chance to experience the virtuoso of virtual magic Jon Finch.