
  • Forcing

    “Forcing” is a term used extensively in set theory, a branch of mathematical logic that explores the nature and foundations of mathematics. It refers to Paul Cohen’s method of adding new elements, or “generic sets,” to models of Zermelo-Fraenkel (ZF)
  • Riffle Force

    The Riffle Force is an intricate sleight of hand technique used in card magic to control the selection of a card by a spectator. This method involves deft manipulation of the deck, executed with such subtlety that it appears random
  • Classic Force

    The “Classic Force” is a sleight-of-hand technique employed in the realm of magic and illusion, particularly in card tricks. Originating from a broader set of deceptive maneuvers referred to as ‘card forces’, this method stands out due to its reliance
  • Cross-Cut Force

    Cross-Cut Force is a mechanical concept in physics, specifically concerning the interaction of forces applied in different directions on a single object. This phenomenon forms the basis for many real-world applications, including engineering designs and manufacturing processes where materials are
  • Slip Cut

    “Slip Cut” is a sleight-of-hand technique used predominantly in card magic, renowned for its deceptive nature and smooth execution. Developed initially as a method to covertly retain or control a playing card within a deck, it requires dexterity and meticulous
  • Change Bag

    A change bag is a magical switching prop used in the art of illusion, sleight of hand, and mentalism. A change bag is typically made of fabric, often with a secret compartment or mechanism that allows objects to be discreetly
  • Equivoque | Magicians Choice

    Equivoque, also known as the Magician’s Choice, is a psychological and verbal technique used in magic and mentalism to create the illusion of free will while covertly guiding a spectator toward a predetermined outcome. Through carefully crafted language, ambiguous phrasing, and
