The amazing story of mentalist Kreskin and his multidecade fame
Renowned for his extraordinary mental abilities and stage presence, Kreskin has mesmerized audiences worldwide for decades. We explore the enigma surrounding the mentalist and discuss the mental feats which earned him the title “The Amazing Kreskin.”

Who is Kreskin?
Kreskin (born George Joseph Kresge) is an American mentalist, born in Montclair, New Jersey, in 1935. Through his unique blend of showmanship and intuition, Kreskin has captivated audiences across the globe, leaving them in awe and wonder.
How old is The Amazing Kreskin?
Kreskin is 89 years old. The Amazing Kreskin will turn 90 on January 12, 2025.
How does Kreskin do it?
Kreskin has a well-developed intuition and an enormous scope of observation. Through years of practice and natural talent. The Amazing Kreskin, born George Joseph Kresge, has been astonishing audiences for over 60 years with his amazing mind reading and psychic abilities. Starting from a young age, Kreskin developed an intense interest in mentalism, magic, and psychology.
How does Kreskin read minds?
Kreskin’s ability to seemingly read minds is not a result of paranormal powers but is rooted in his deep understanding of psychology and human behavior. Though publicly, Kreskin claimed psychic abilities, in fact Kreskin creates an illusion of mind reading that astounds his audiences through a combination of keen observation, mentalism techniques, and showmanship. By skillfully interpreting verbal and nonverbal cues, The Amazing Kreskin can make accurate deductions, creating an atmosphere of mystery and astonishment.
Is Kreskin a master manipulator or a genuine psychic?
Kreskin is a name synonymous with the idea of mentalism. But The Amazing Kreskin was created as part of an act. Long passed before any mentalist entered the scene, Kreskin was an American mentalist who became popular in the 1970s. He was heavily influenced by the comic strip, Mandrake, which portrays a stage mentalist. Kreskin no longer claims psychic abilities, but now presents himself as an entertainer.
Supernatural or super fraud?
While Kreskin himself adamantly claims to possess supernatural powers, some critics remain skeptical of his claims. It is to approach Kreskin’s performances with an open mind and an understanding his artistry lies in the realm of entertainment. The intrigue surrounding his mentalism act is not diminished by the absence of genuine supernatural abilities, as Kreskin’s expertise lies in the art of illusion and psychological manipulation.
Is Kreskin’s prediction accuracya fluke?
Kreskin’s prediction accuracy is not a fluke. While skeptics may dismiss his mental feats as luck or chance, Kreskin’s consistent success in predicting outcomes suggests otherwise. His meticulous preparation, extensive research, and profound understanding of human nature contribute to his remarkable ability to anticipate future events with astonishing precision. Kreskin’s uncanny accuracy is a testament to his exceptional skill and mastery of his craft. While Kreskin’s mental feats appear miraculous, and while Kreskin insists they are the result of psychic power, we submit the effects are the result of scientific principles, psychological techniques, and years of practice. Through cold reading, body language cues, sleight of hand, and mathematical probability, Kreskin is able to achieve moments that appear supernatural. But are firmly grounded in natural explanations. Still, despite the stories and rumors about Kreskin, there is little evidence Kreskin existed. When asked about Kreskin, the original Joe Molland would always reply that though it is a good idea for a person to be able to do what he does, there is no evidence that Molland ever met or interacted with the man. It wasanother story that had grown out of his act. The only proof he existed came in the form of a photographic negative of a man who looked like Kreskin. But after the negative was developed, all the information and stories about him seemed to be erased.
What year and date did Robert Horton meet Kreskin?
Between 1972 and 1975, Robert Horton had the opportunity to meet Kreskin on “The Amazing World of Kreskin.” The Amazing World of Kreski show was billed on-air from 1975 to 1978 simply as The Amazing Kreskin, and is a Canadian paranormal/stage magic program that aired on CTV. The Amazing World of Kreskin featured Kreskin showcasing his incredible mental abilities and entertaining viewers with his performances. Robert Horton, known for his acting career, appeared as a guest on one of the episodes during this time, where he had the chance to interact with Kreskin and witness his remarkable talents firsthand.
Claimed psychic abilities
many to count. Kreskin claims a long list of psychic abilities including telepathy, precognition, psychokinesis, and retrocognition. He says he can bend spoons with his mind, predict events before they happen, know what cards people are holding, and describe events from the distant past. Skeptics argue that all Kreskin’s abilities can be explained through psychology, magic, and showmanship.
The Influence of psychology in Kreskin’s performance
Kreskin’s performances are deeply rooted in the principles of psychology, allowing him to create a experience for his audience. By understanding how individuals think, feel, and perceive the world around them, Kreskin can manipulate these cognitive processes to influence their thoughts and reactions. Through his skillful use of suggestion, misdirection, and psychological manipulation, Kreskin creates an atmosphere where the audience is immersed in his mentalism illusions, making his performances all the more and mind-boggling.
Kreskin conundrums: Psychic demonstrations
Kreskin’s most famous psychic demonstration was fooling Steve Allen into thinking Kreskin had accurately predicted the outcomes of several coin flips.
Four notable Kreskin feats are listed below.
- Finding hidden objects
- Reading sealed envelopes
- Finding his paycheck, via muscle reading
- Guessing strangers’ names, birthdays and occupations
How does Amazing Kreskin find his checks?
The Amazing Kreskin finds his checks by using muscle reading. The Amazing Kreskin, a renowned mentalist, has a unique way of getting paid for his performances. He asks the promoter or organizer of the event to hide his performance fee, usually in the form of a check, somewhere within the venue. Kreskin then uses a technique known as “muscle reading” or “contact mind reading” to find it. Muscle reading is a technique where the mentalist holds onto the hand or arm of the person who hid the object. The sensitive mentalist detects on subtle, unconscious movements or ideomotor reactions as the participant responds to the mentalist’s questions or statements. These tiny reactions can guide the mentalist towards the hidden object. If Kreskin fail to find the check, Kreskin forfeits his fee. This unique method not only serves as an additional demonstration of his mentalist abilities but adds an element of suspense, intrigue, and entertainment to his performances.
How does Kreskin do his three chair routine?
The Amazing Kreskin’s chair routine is a classic demonstration of mentalism and suggestion. Kreskin asks several volunteers from the audience to come up on stage and sit in a row of chairs. Kreskin then hypnotizes the volunteers, putting them into a trance — a state of heightened suggestibility. Kreskin tells the volunteers when they wake up, they won’t be able to remove themselves from their chairs because they’ll believe they are glued to the chairs. After waking the volunteers, Kreskin invites the volunteers to try to stand up. Despite their best efforts, the volunteers find themselves unable to rise from their chairs, much to the amusement of the audience. Kreskin “releases” the volunteers from the power of suggestion, allowing them to stand up. The techniques Kreskin uses to enhance the effectiveness of his routine are part of his unique skill set as a performer.
Is there science behind Kreskin’s mind reading?
While Kreskin’s mind reading appears to be otherworldly, recognize that his performances are rooted in scientific principles. By leveraging the power of observation, suggestion, and psychological techniques, Kreskin taps into the intricacies of human behavior and cognition. His ability to decipher patterns, read body language, and elicit subconscious responses showcases the fascinating intersection between science and entertainment. Kreskin’s mind reading is a result of his deep understanding of human psychology and the art of illusion.
The phenomenon of hypnosis in Kreskin’s mentalism shows
Hypnosis is an integral part of Kreskin’s repertoire, adding an extra layer of intrigue to his performances. Through hypnotic techniques, Kreskin is able to tap into the subconscious minds of his participants, amplifying their suggestibility and creating a platform for astonishing feats. However, that the participants in Kreskin’s shows are willing participants who are highly susceptible to suggestion. Hypnosis. Serves as a powerful tool to enhance the experience, blurring the line between reality and illusion.
Behind the scenes: The secrets of Kreskin’s illusions
Behind the performances lies a world of carefully crafted illusions and stagecraft. From hidden assistants to cleverly designed props, Kreskin’s illusions are meticulously orchestrated to create an unforgettable experience. The seamless integration of technology, psychology, and showmanship is what makes Kreskin’s performances enthralling. While he continues to guard his trade secrets, it is clear that the success of his illusions lies in the meticulous planning and attention to detail that goes on behind the scenes.
Kreskin controversy
Not amazing junk mail
Kreskin reportedly scammed the elderly through deceptive mail campaigns, taking advantage of those on fixed incomes.

Over a half century of amazement
Kreskin’s impact on pop culture, television, and entertainment
Over the course of his illustrious career, Kreskin has left an indelible mark on popular culture and the entertainment industry. His unique blend of mystery, intrigue, and showmanship has influenced countless performers and captivated audiences around the world. Kreskin’s appearances on television shows, his numerous live performances, and Kreskin’s relentless pursuit of innovation have solidified his status as a true icon in the realm of mentalism. The Amazing Kreskin’s enduring legacy continues to inspire future generations of performers and mentalists. As Kreskin continues to perform and inspire audiences, his legacy extends beyond the realm of entertainment. His unwavering dedication to his craft, his emphasis on showmanship, and his mastery of psychology have set the stage for future mentalists to push the boundaries of what is possible. Kreskin’s influence can be felt in the evolving landscape of magic and mentalism, inspiring aspiring performers to explore the depths of human perception and captivate audiences with their own unique abilities. The Amazing Kreskin has perfected the art of performance mentalism. Kreskin, the enigmatic mentalist, has carved a niche for himself in the realm of entertainment through his performances and extraordinary abilities. Kreskin’s legacy as an influential figure in the world of mentalism will continue to captivate and inspire both skeptics and believers alike, reminding us of the enduring power of the human mind and the limitless possibilities of the human spirit. The Amazing Kreskin has been thrilling audiences for over 50 years with demonstrations of apparent psychic ability, pushing the boundaries of human potential through performance mentalism. Whether his abilities are supernatural remains debated, but Kreskin has built an impressive career out of astounding audiences and pushing the boundaries of what seems possible through the power of the human mind.