Absence Processes
“Disappearance mechanisms” are processes or events that result in the removal or vanishing of an entity or phenomenon from a particular system. These mechanisms can be found across various disciplines, such as physics where particles may disappear due to annihilation,Flash Paper
Flash paper is a type of specially prepared tissue paper, saturated with a mixture of nitrocellulose and solvents. This combination makes the paper highly flammable, allowing it to ignite quickly and burn at an impressively fast rate, leaving no residueClear Sewing Thread
“Invisible Thread” is a term that, in a literal sense, refers to a type of thread which is either clear or matches so closely with the items it binds together that it becomes practically undetectable. In a broader metaphorical context,Thumb Tip
The Thumb Tip is a specialized magician’s prop that fits over the performer’s thumb, typically made of flesh-colored rubber or plastic, designed to conceal small objects. This device allows magicians to perform sleight of hand tricks and illusions by hiding,Magic Apparatus
Magic apparatus refers to the tools, devices, and equipment utilized by magicians to create illusions and perform magic tricks during their performances. These objects are specifically designed to facilitate sleight of hand, misdirection, and other techniques that mystify and entertainShim
A “Shim” refers to a small, thin piece of ferromagnetic material, often steel, embedded into or attached to a coin or gimmick to make it magnetic or interact with magnets. This modification allows the coin to be used in conjunctionShell | Coin shell
A “Shell” is a specially-crafted magic gimmick resembling a hollowed-out coin that fits seamlessly over a regular coin. This ingenious tool allows magicians to perform illusions where coins appear, vanish, or transpose with remarkable clarity and minimal sleight of hand.Scotch and Soda
“Scotch and Soda” is a classic coin trick that utilizes a specially gimmicked set of coins — a magnetic or hollowed-out half dollar and a copper Mexican centavo. The effect involves the apparent disappearance, transformation, or transposition of one coin,Change Bag
A change bag is a magical switching prop used in the art of illusion, sleight of hand, and mentalism. A change bag is typically made of fabric, often with a secret compartment or mechanism that allows objects to be discreetlyBreakaway Wand
Breakaway Wand is a prop used in magic performances, designed to create an illusion of a wand breaking into multiple pieces. The Breakaway Wand is typically constructed from special materials that allow it to break easily upon slight pressure, givingSvengali Deck
Svengali Deck is a specialized deck of playing cards used in magic tricks, consisting of alternating short and long cards that allow the performer to control the selection of a card by the spectator. The unique feature of the Svengali