St. Louis Landmarks

There are many reasons people decide to live in the St. Louis area, and there are also several landmarks that you can enjoy living in one of the most amazing cities in the country. When you consider Missouri, you should take into consideration some things before purchasing property here.

Some of the landmarks
in the Saint Louis MO area:

  • Missouri Botanical Garden

    It’s considered to be one of the most historical places in Missouri. When it opened, the store was larger than other grocery stores. You can purchase your groceries at the location, but you can also buy groceries at your local grocery store if you want. While you are in the area, consider walking by the store, especially during the holidays when families come from the suburbs to shop for gifts.

  • Basilica Cathedral

    One of the most common sights in the town square is usually the church. Many people choose to live in this part of town because they get plenty of chances to see it each day. Many people in the area to watch a television broadcast every evening about how beautiful the city is. It is so beautiful that many people will tell anyone that listens that they live in a place like this. If you have children, you may want to look into purchasing a home in this part of town so that you can allow them to see this view every day.

  • The Busch Stadium

    It’s one of the most beautiful places in Missouri. When you are driving up the road, you will find yourself traveling through farmland that is only a short distance away from the stadium. While the view of the clearing may not be as breathtaking as the view from the top of Busch Stadium, you will still get a great look of it from your home or from the parking lot in front of your home.

  • Lindenwood Park

    A new park has been built next to one of the hotels in the area. You can drive to the park and enjoy the beauty of the landscape that surrounds the hotel. The view of the hills and the town from the park is usually spectacular.

  • City Museum

    This is probably the least-known landmark in St. Louis. In addition to the Barnes and Noble Book Store located here, the City Museum is located here. You can also visit other great museums such as the other Missouri museums, but the museum in St. Louis is considered to be the least famous landmark.

  • Frank Lloyd Wright House in Ebsworth Park

    This is another landmark in the area. It has been used as the big tree by the St. Louis Cardinals, but a renovated version is now in the works and is expected to open in the next year or two.

There are many more landmarks in the area, but these are the most recognizable. With the tourism industry booming in the area, you should be able to find a few landmarks that are worth mentioning in this guide.