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Ideas for fun virtual events virtual party events virtual social event Ideas company virtual event ideas how to make virtual conferences fun fun ideas for virtual meetings. Activities activity event activities event ideas events ideas online event online event ideas virtual event virtual event idea virtual event ideas virtual events virtual events ideas activities activity event activities event ideas events ideas online event online event ideas virtual event virtual event idea virtual event ideas virtual events virtual events ideas activities activity event activities event ideas events ideas online online event online event ideas virtual event virtual event idea virtual event Ideas virtual events virtual events ideas chocolate truffle garden party social event entertainment entertaining birthday parties dinner party game games gamification meal the price is right escape room social media homebrewing remote work video game drinks livestreams Prom internet virtual space karaoke virtual environment food beer art brainstorming virtual team wine mindfulness painter open mic motion graphics game show game shows avatars graphic Design breakfast lunch scavenger hunt virtual event health meditation coworking on-demand Donuts donut hashtag zoom bingo drag bingo laughter happiness competitions casino riddles Barbeque cheese bath paris virtual tour mind online game experience chess cooking mentalism Baking italy marketing concert virtual museum leaderboard us stouts pet taboo watercolor Coffee breaks improv latte art emoji blackjack pasta cookies cookie cocktail pride month Poker face improv comedy canvas ceremony witbiers dance yoga universe happy hours happy hour Acrylic painting werewolf speed dating comedy photo sharing campfire stress carbon footprint 3d murder mystery team-building drunk history charades chocolate truffle garden party social event entertainment entertaining birthday parties dinner party game games gamification meal the price is right escape room social media homebrewing remote work video game drinks Livestreams prom internet virtual space karaoke virtual environment food beer art Brainstorming virtual team wine mindfulness painter open mic virtual connectivity events Motion graphics game show game shows avatars graphic design breakfast lunch scavenger hunt virtual event health meditation coworking on-demand donuts donut hashtag zoom bingo drag Bingo laughter happiness competitions riddles barbeque cheese bath paris virtual tour mind online game experience chess cooking mentalism baking italy marketing concert virtual museum leaderboard us stouts pet taboo watercolor coffee breaks improv latte art emoji blackjack pasta cookies cookie cocktail pride month poker face improv comedy canvas ceremony witbiers dance yoga universe happy hours happy hour acrylic painting werewolf speed dating comedy photo sharing campfire stress carbon footprint 3d murder mystery team-building drunk history charades questions minutes choose example organization professional consider demo invite pricing stories products points others competition education movie throughout communication case related production each other insights speed dating culture sharing themselves common during the mystery on social media discuss step knowledge award offering answer short prizes the audience interests virtual connectivity events courses attending winner plus prize performances deliver interest message 2022 participants networking business brand sponsors provide the event solutions build another guide important. Virtual event ideas activity zoom event ideas activities online zoom video communications direct marketing digital marketing zoom (software) web conferencing citrix online proximity chat omnovia technologies dimdim live conferencing hubspot virtual tradeshow hybrid event promotional mix promotion (marketing) content marketing social media marketing engagement marketing influencer marketing zoombombing zoom fatigue dc fandome teleseminars virtual engagement recruitment marketing lead generation american libraries. Virtual events dc fandome hybrid event virtual press conference proximity chat virtual tradeshow. Virtual event gamification ideas virtual swag ideas social distancing event ideas for work social mixers ideas virtual swag bag ideas virtual giveaway ideas new ideas entertainment virtual entertainment virtual game show ideas virtual entertainment companies virtual booths ideas game show ideas for corporate events try to recreate inperson catchy virtual event Names zoom networking event ideas fun things to do with a virtual machine virtual event engagement ideas entertainment events ideas group entertainment ideas fun zoom meeting themes for work virtual event games virtual entertainment for corporate events types of social events fun themes for zoom meetings virtual things to do virtual things to do with friends fun things to do with friends virtually things to do with friends virtually virtual prizes ideas virtual events for large groups virtual fun event virtual experiences for corporate events fun themes for virtual meetings virtual social events ideas online social event ideas virtual events ideas innovative events ideas virtual social activities virtual events Examples virtual event entertainment ideas virtual game events virtual social event ideas virtual prize ideas virtual conference themes online event ideas innovative virtual events virtual event entertainment virtual social events virtual event gamification ideas virtual Swag ideas social distancing event ideas for work social mixers ideas virtual swag bag ideas virtual giveaway ideas new ideas entertainment virtual entertainment virtual game show ideas virtual entertainment companies virtual booths ideas game show ideas for corporate events try To recreate inperson catchy virtual event names zoom networking event ideas fun things to do with a virtual machine virtual event engagement ideas entertainment events ideas group Entertainment ideas fun zoom meeting themes for work virtual event games virtual entertainment for corporate events types of social events fun themes for zoom meetings virtual things to do virtual things to do with friends fun things to do with friends virtually things to do with friends virtually virtual prizes ideas virtual events for large Groups virtual fun event virtual experiences for corporate events fun themes for virtual meetings virtual social events ideas online social event ideas virtual events ideas innovative events ideas virtual social activities virtual events examples virtual event entertainment ideas virtual game events virtual social event ideas virtual prize ideas virtual conference themes online event ideas innovative virtual events virtual event entertainment virtual social events. Virtual event ideas virtual corporate events best virtual events online virtual events fun virtual event ideas virtual events ideas fun virtual events corporate virtual events virtual events for companies ideas for virtual events virtual event activities virtual Social event ideas online event ideas virtual entertainment virtual events examples online events ideas virtual company events virtual social events virtual corporate event best online events interactive virtual events virtual event experiences virtual event idea fun corporate event ideas virtual corporate event ideas virtual event inspiration unique virtual events virtual social activities creative virtual events virtual events ideas for companies virtual company event company virtual events fun online event ideas virtual company events ideas virtual event gamification ideas virtual event engagement ideas virtual events activities virtual event games virtual booth ideas virtual events at home fun event ideas online virtual event corporate social event ideas virtual company event ideas work social event ideas online events for companies. Ask questions ideas that virtual cooking virtual networking virtual happy hour this article event marketing breakout rooms most popular remote team one another virtual escape room talk about these events platforms like speed networking trade shows best virtual event virtual cooking class live stream event ideas that this event gift card allow attendees event platforms mental health where attendees cooking class bring people together real time take advantage keep things panel discussions take place keep them virtual book awards ceremony family feud mixology class content that each person networking event people together virtual event platforms platform like keep them engaged cooking classes team building games on zoom party ideas for work team building activities on zoom team building ideas virtual team celebration ideasVirtual networking ideas team building activities over zoom team building activities team building zoom activities virtual office party ideas virtual party ideas for work fun team building activities on zoom virtual scavenger hunt ideas for remote employees virtual event theme ideas team activities on zoom meeting ideas for team building hybrid event ideas fun zoom team building activities virtual offsite ideas fun team activities on zoom team activities virtual social ideas virtual networking event ideas for virtual events virtual event activities virtual corporate event ideas virtual social activities virtual anniversary celebration ideas virtual work party ideas team building activities via zoom networking event ideas virtual booth ideas team building activities for Zoom holiday party ideas virtual company event ideas virtual events ideas for companies team bonding activities over zoom activities for team building virtual event ideas for employees team building games zoom team building exercises virtual scavenger hunt team building virtual retreat ideas virtual award ceremony themes virtual event ideas for work virtual event engagement ideas 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ways to celebrate work anniversary virtually year end virtual team celebration ideas virtual event ideas for corporate virtual team building activities on zoom team event ideas community building activities on zoom meeting team building ideas cool virtual event ideas fun virtual celebrations best virtual networking ideas team building exercises through zoom team building on zoom ideas for online event creative virtual activities virtual celebration activities happy hour ideas for work zoom employee engagement ideas virtual event fun ideas for fun virtual events virtual office social event ideas fun virtual networking ideas for virtual company events party ideas for remote employees virtual expo ideas virtual party ideas for coworkers virtual marketing event ideas creative virtual conference ideas virtual sales kick off ideas remote work scavenger hunt ideas virtual group event ideas virtual work retreat ideas virtual client entertainment ideas creative ways to host virtual events virtual launch party examples fun virtual offsite ideas celebrating work anniversary virtually office zoom party ideas virtual event activations virtual employee party ideas fun team building ideas over zoom office holiday party ideas hosting virtual events ideas virtual company picnic ideas.
Digital kickoff: logging in
Finding it difficult to plan the online virtual event? you’re not alone! for a corporate event it can seem impossible. While quizzes and escape rooms can be fun for some, an interactive online “mental magic” show is the ice-breaker activity. Some virtual entertainers have a gift for performing (hr-friendly) routines that are loved across the board. virtual host Jon Finch Zoom magic show
“Everyone had An absolute blast!”
Stephanie O’Connell, Google
“The best virtual show I’ve seen!”
Rachel Mitchener, Nickelodeon
“He kept everyone engaged and on the edge of their seats. I had executives calling me after the show saying how much fun they had and how impressed they were.”
Ashley Rutter, Gainsystems
“He got even the most cynical of our team to participate and be amazed at what he could predict. The energy in the Zoom room was like no other virtual meeting! Everyone on our team has been talking about it ever since… if you want something engages your team and is a ton of fun, i recommend hiring Jon.”
Tracy Emory, Amazon
Want to host the most engaging and interactive event of the year?
⬇️ Answer three questions below, and Jon Finch will make it easy for you. ⬇️
Finch virtual event Zoom entertainer
“Jon Finch Has mastered online attention grabbing like i have never seen. This was a group of Skeptical professionals presenting to zoom audiences for a living. I know they learned something, I certainly did!”
Imagine a world where you can have fun without owning dress shoes. It sounds like something out of the matrix, but online virtual events are here to stay, and the future is bright! The world didn’t stop having fun when it went virtual. Virtual parties offer many benefits over traditional in-person gatherings. They’re more cost-effective, for one thing (not to mention eco-friendly). There’s no worrying about parking, getting that pesky sunburn, or icky public restrooms. All you need is your computer. The best virtual events give people with disabilities an opportunity they wouldn’t otherwise have. At an in-person event, someone may have difficulty walking around in large spaces, and a wheelchair may not fit through doors. But online events offer them a chance to take part. What’s better than having everything delivered right to your door? Online events are a great way to have fun without even having to leave the house. Any budget, no time constraints, no special skills required. With many online apps, it’s easy to host a fun virtual gathering. It might be easier than setting up an event because all people need is internet access. Here are some fun virtual social event ideas that will give event marketers the inspiration needed.
Online event ideas – top ten list ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Zoom fatigue can affect creativity and productivity. But connection and engagement can still thrive in a virtual world. The ten ways to increase engagement in your virtual party are listed below.
1. Virtual magician
A global or country-wide team can meet — and meet more often — since it’s easy to host your meeting online and give attendees a best-in-class experience. Online magic shows have grown more in popularity compared with other unique virtual event ideas. Everyone loves magic — even adults. Magic gets people out of their shell like nothing else can.
With a virtual magician like Jon Finch, you can melt zoom fatigue like mercury in a microwave. And the best part is that the Magic happens in your own hands. On your side of the screen!
Since magic provides a memorable experience, those who provide virtual magic shows are some of the busiest entertainers. This idea takes the number one spot for the reasons listed below.
Teams keep booking virtual magic shows Again and again — a clear sign of their value
The surprising flexibility of this form of entertainment — many magicians quickly adapted to this new era
The memories — compared with the other ideas for your next online event (below), magic is the most memorable
A popular cognate of virtual magic is virtual mentalism (or mind reading). There is something engaging about having your mind read from thousands of miles away. This makes a virtual mentalist like Jon Finch one of the most sought-after virtual entertainers in the world.
Did you know playing bingo at an online event is even more fun than playing it in person? you don’t have to be a 90-year-old grandma to enjoy a game of bingo (hey, if you like playing bingo, it’s nothing to be ashamed of). There’s a reason old people never stopped playing bingo — because it’s fun! It’s even more fun when you don’t have to get dressed up and leave the house.
3. Garden party
I know what you’re thinking. Why would anyone do a garden party online? Well, lots of people are doing it at online events, and they are having a ton of fun. The best part? now is the time to learn how to garden for yourself since you’re stuck at home. You’ll eat better, it’s more healthy, and you’ll have fun doing it.
4. Virtual charades
Charades has always been my favorite game. Everyone loves charades, and playing it at an online event isas fun as in-person. There are many benefits to playing charades with your friends on the computer (no cheating! You can mute any cheaters).
5. Virtual jam sessions
It’s jamming time with your favorite friends. Bring out the instrument and the musician in you. This is an informal online event that allows anyone on your team to be a rock star. You’ll be surprised how talented your employees and friends are. Have a virtual concert in your comfort zone via virtual jam sessions. Oh! nonmusical teammates are welcome, too, because music therapy works for those who want to watch.
6. Virtual fitness session
The home workout is having its moment. Don’t know where to start? throw your anxiety away! fortunately, the fitness community is holding virtual sessions and hybrid events to promote healthy habits through group accountability. Stay physically and mentally healthy. Taking online fitness classes is way easier than you might think. Just remember to hold it far away from the kitchen. Break a sweat!
7. Remote dinner party
Looking for a team-building interactive activity that includes food? in the face of trying times, we highly recommend one of the casual virtual event ideas. Host a remote dinner party to stay connected. You can still entertain them separately but together. Food is a means of connection. Wifi is the new long table. Your phone is the new place setting. It’s easy! there is no stopping anyone who otherwise cannot travel because it can be a pajama party in your dining room — enjoy yourselves.
8. Virtual coffee break
Out of many fun things to do in the virtual environment, virtual happy hours or coffee breaks are the most convenient way to relax at an online event. This means No line at the bathroom, no shouting over a jukebox, and no one has to drive home. The best part? You can make your own cocktail (just the way you like it). Raise your glass and have some toasts from the opposite coasts!
9. Digital craft night
calling all the arts and crafts enthusiasts! learn how to be creative by having a virtual craft night. This is a good fit for socially anxious introverts who want to partake but struggle to juggle in a discussion. Let them speak through their art and produce something better together.
10. Virtual scavenger hunt
Games are always a hit at virtual connectivity events. Scavenger hunts engage attendees and offer a much-needed break from a rigorous corporate event schedule. The best thing about scavenger hunts is they double up as a marketing tactic you can leave clues at certain places to get more visibility for those spots. This helps event marketers of virtual meetings and hybrid events get more traction. Vfairs offers this as a feature in their event management platform.
Virtual activities
Being a party-goer isn’t something you have to give up while staying at home. We need to cultivate connections and a great user experience that results in a happier and more productive workplace. Embracing virtual social event ideas means opening a new layer of hope. Technology is your friend. Digital experiences bring people together despite any physical barrier, making virtual events highly accessible to businesses of all shapes and sizes. Most of the best events are now happening online. Organizing virtual meetings, conferences, parties, and job fairs has become the new normal because it offers many more perks that are far beyond the reach of in-person events.
Plan for technical difficulties (they’re inevitable)
Handle technical glitches like a pro. What’s nice about this stage is remembering the phrase — (you’re on mute!) with awkward hand signals that form a smile on our faces. As long as you keep your audience engaged, you win.
Choosing the time and date of the virtual setting
The best way to determine when it’s time is to ask your audience for time and date suggestions. Then, choose the date most people will be available.
Market your virtual events
You’ve been building that social media audience for a reason, haven’t you? It’s time to use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites to let them know they are invited to a special occasion virtually.
Captivate your guests with video – jazz up your material
Did you know visuals increase engagement? capture your guest’s attention, and try using visual aids or videos. Is one great way to encourage interaction between you and them. Be sure to check it on the day before you start.
Virtual photo booths
Do you want free organic marketing? Having a virtual photo booth at your event is a great idea. This is a chance to boost the exposure of your event through shared photos on their social media.
Virtual event experiences that encourage engagement and build team morale
An overlooked part of events is entertainment. Despite the benefits of virtual, keeping attendees focused on virtual content—when there are many distractions—can be a lot trickier than face-to-face. Zoom fatigue is a thing. The best way to combat this exhaustion is through the smart use of virtual entertainment. A survival tactic to keep all kinds of creative virtual events more engaging, whether it’s a conference, team meeting, corporate, or private events such as birthdays and other social occasions. Businesses can capitalize on virtual events to create engaging experiences for their teams. They could host fun online socials like comedy nights, online magic shows, or improv shows, promoting a relaxed atmosphere for networking and team building. Specially curated swag bags sent to attendees could serve as tokens of appreciation, further acknowledging the contributions of each individual and sponsor, thus strengthening corporate relationships. Successful events are ones that people get excited about before the event, enjoy in the moment, and keep on talking about after the event is over.
On your screens: virtual team building
Visual aids for remote teams
It’s always been important for businesses, entrepreneurs, and solopreneurs to create a content strategy with events offline or online. Starting in 2020, virtual event traffic surged, and its importance is now more evident due to social distancing guidelines and instances caused by this pandemic. Good thing that attendees can gather now virtually from the comfort of their homes without having to worry about the public health risk of large crowds. Think about having the advantage of not needing to travel. More and more people are learning they can save time, money, and hassle.
Virtual corporate events
The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has redefined our workplace. We’ve gone from being physically present to being in a virtual space. Do you know how to make this an advantage rather than a drawback? Whenever you have a company get-together that you must attend to get your latest strategy and practice updates, how many hours do you travel? What’s the breakdown of your expenses after the event? Take a minute to run the numbers. It’s more than you think. With virtual corporate events streaming online, things are much easier and more cost-effective. The main issue you should be bothered about is hosting them, which is easy. When life gives you lemons, make some lemonade. You’ve always had the tools, and now you’ve got the know-how with great virtual event ideas. Create one-of-a-kind, unforgettable workshops, fun team-building activities, attention-grabbing product launches, exciting media launch parties, off-site meetings, virtual team-building activities, staff retreats, corporate events, and office celebrations.
Ideas for virtual conferences
Seven virtual conference ideas that make everyone see you as a credible authority are listed below.
Virtual escape rooms
Virtual scavenger hunt
Virtual trivia night
Virtual concert or a comedy show
Though photo booths aren’t possible in a virtual event setting, putting on a comedy show or improv can introduce an enjoyable and interactive element. This helps promote social interaction, stimulates networking in a relaxed way, and may even spark creativity. From funny skits that build team spirit on Zoom meetings to swag bags filled with props for the year-end party photoshoots, the virtual activity creates memorable experiences and boosts morale among large groups, fostering connection in digital workspaces.
Online magic shows
Pre-show chat rooms
Live and pre-event polling
Major virtual events are fast gaining popularity because of all the benefits they offer over an in-person conference. The trick is to thoughtfully leverage virtual venues and optimize the features available to make the virtual event an engaging and lively experience. Don’t try to make it “as similar to an in-person experience as possible” (that’s a losing strategy).
What are the most effective online team-building activities that can be done virtually during the end of the year?
Effective year-end virtual team-building activities include dance parties, zoom magic shows, swag bag giveaways, virtual birthday parties; online game shows to maximize engagement, networking and business sponsorships; innovative virtual team-building activities like online escape rooms, competitive trivia nights, and improv comedy shows can foster collaboration. End-of-year parties might offer dance-offs or digital swag bags to attendees, encouraging networking and brand engagement for business sponsors.
Online social events provide a fun experience.
Virtual events are transformative. To make virtual ideas dance around the world like Zoom games that foster team building and network growth in business, culminating into year-end parties filled with swag bags and birthday dinners, they’re like a fun-filled dance transcending geographical boundaries. Ideas for virtual events range from photo booths to magic shows, which promote happiness and engagement among large groups. Zoom games for team building further enhance these events, sparking networking opportunities within businesses. Social affairs such as year-end parties or birthday dinners are brought alive in the virtual realm, with swag bags adding an extra touch of joy!
What strategies can businesses use to create effective team-building activities using virtual party platforms such as Zoom?
Leveraging virtual platforms like Zoom for team-building activities becomes a creative task. Businesses can organize online social games and improv comedy nights to boost team morale, with winners rewarded via digital swag bags. For large-scale end-of-year celebrations, they could host a themed ‘virtual dance party’, transforming employee homes into fun-filled photo booths.
Virtual social event ideas
Virtual dance party
Even though it’s harder to get together with friends these days, you can reframe your thinking and move your hangouts from offline to online. It’s time to reinvigorate your social life and start powering connections with virtual social events.
Zoom ideas for remote teams
At this point, no virtual attendee should be a stranger to Zoom, a platform leading modern enterprise video communications with the best interactive features. It’s our scapegoat to the outside world. Anyone who has used entertainment for a virtual event knows that Zoom is the best software for virtual entertainment. Using Zoom, your attendees can…
Event apps
Have fun changing their virtual backgrounds.
Reposition friends on the screen.
Have a virtual activities night.
Set the gallery view, the speaker view, or both.
Small groups will have a lot of fun with an online event on Zoom. You may not be able to touch the items, but you can still share them! With a virtual event there are many fun ideas for a virtual social event and interactive things you can do.
Reward loyal attendees with virtual event gifts
Personalized virtual event gifts are another excellent opportunity to show attendees appreciation and build loyalty. Consider sending special gifts to loyal customers, longtime attendees, speakers, or contest winners. Gifts like customized apparel, gift cards, art, or technology can make select attendees feel valued. Tailor gifts to the recipient for maximum delight. [check out more virtual event gift ideas in this guide](link to future gift ideas article).
Surprise and delight attendees with virtual swag bags
Thoughtful virtual swag bags are a great way to engage attendees and make online events more memorable. Quality swag items like reusable water bottles, snacks, notebooks, and other creative gifts help build brand awareness while bridging the physical gap of remote events. Curating swag bags with useful branded merchandise is an impactful tactic to surprise and delight virtual attendees. [read more about optimizing virtual swag bags here](link to swag bag article).
End of transmission: logging out
We reach the end of our virtual voyage, having explored a range of dynamic, engaging, and transformative event ideas hosted in the digital sphere. It’s clear that the best virtual events, packed with potential for creativity and inclusivity, are more than a temporary trend—they’re becoming a new standard in how we connect, learn, and entertain. Whatever types of virtual events you host and wherever you end up going with your idea, make sure to check out 10 ways event planners can make interactive virtual experiences. As we log out, remember that a virtual event’s success lies in its ability to foster connection and deliver unique virtual event experiences while transcending geographical boundaries. Until we reconnect, stay innovative, stay digital, and keep reimagining what’s possible in the virtual realm.
Social media game zoom cloud-based technology webinars avatars virtual meetings streaming on-demand sessions leverage gamification virtual environment mind art experience apps app logistics attention mentalism game show virtual museum laughter virtual event platform content event online experience person webinar virtual event team create social people ideas management conference chat speakers virtual meeting registration sales webinars meetings guide access show industry solutions event platform virtual team employees software interactive success brand events different exhibitors activities demand streaming service bring opportunities recorded customer mass call customers online event office meeting design organizers available party based meet rooms attend search apps building stream digital tools networking data business sponsors place feature engaged multi leads technology real games participants person push notifications multiple careers strategy unique encourage physical via virtual event platform social media shows opportunity videos booths feedback organizing large game creative options members between venue branding benefits creating speaker trade manage universe improv broadcast virtual attendees engaged personal tour scavenger hunt interactive breakout sessions web popular perfect groups virtual happy hours branded tech event management organizations immersive sponsor link connections favorite idea enjoy travel virtually audio virtual gatherings event platforms sponsored employee successful companies to connect conversation person event to share teams training virtual events audience remote break event ideas showcase exhibitor interact summit polls personalized press revenue to attend best virtual event event experience to virtual studio to engage entire conversations interaction hybrid events cocktail performance broadcast reserved public polling format trivia effective participate launch hours guest hosts attendance simple craft visual businesses reviews to build presentation hall event marketing online events that shared gather connection featured hosted challenges clients to attendees transform recorded content leverage keynote involved wellness friends gathering interactions host amazing attendee session recordings live event virtual conferences virtual event platforms event planning audience participation virtual event ideas online event technology organize event app channels cost attendee engagement to participate Virtual summits where attendees best practices for guests live online workshops. Zoom video communications direct marketing digital marketing zoom (software) web conferencing citrix online proximity chat omnovia technologies dimdim live conferencing hubspot virtual tradeshow hybrid event promotional mix promotion (marketing) content marketing social media marketing engagement marketing influencer marketing zoombombing zoom fatigue dc fandome teleseminars virtual engagement recruitment marketing lead generation. Virtual event ideas for employees creative virtual event types of virtual events examples of virtual events virtual event tools virtual office events ideas virtual event examples virtual event ideas for work virtual meeting themes online social activity virtual community events virtual event experiences virtual events ideas for employees virtual ideas virtual work event ideas virtual event experience virtuelle events corporate virtual event virtual events activities online socials ideas online community activities online social events for students online events examples.