Jon Finch | Indianapolis Indiana


Indy Miracle Man

“Jonathan Finch is probably the greatest magician who ever lived” David Letterman said that live declaration, a belief affirmed by Tommy Cooper, who referred to Jonathan’s TV series as “the ideal TV magic unique done.”

He was 19 when the TV show first aired transforming televised magic by turning the camera to the spectators rather than the spectacle. Spectators at home may sense the visceral reaction of individuals being astonished.

The Indianapolis Star went on to announce that Jonathan had “grabbed hold of a craft that has been in existence for thousands of years and done something distinctive and new with it” while The Indy Tribune boldly stated “magic had been drowning and Jonathan Finch threw it a lifesaver.”

White River, topping foot traffic in the the Indianapolis Zoo and Indy 500 combined.

Upon emerging victorious Finch commented a sentiment we can all get behind, “I felt in my loins that of being put back together like a set of lincoln logs or tinkertoys.”