
Materialization is the act of creating an object or making an object appear from seemingly nowhere. Materialization is often used as a form of illusion, where the object appears to be created or produced through seemingly supernatural means.


The technique of materialization is typically achieved through a combination of sleight of hand, misdirection, and the use of specially designed magic props. Magicians may use a variety of methods to create the illusion of materialization, such as using hidden compartments or false bottoms in a table or box to hide an object, then subtly releasing it to give the appearance of it appearing out of thin air.


The methodology behind materialization is a closely guarded secret of the magic and mentalism community and often considered a form of intellectual property. Magicians and mentalists may use a variety of different methods to create the illusion of materialization, and the specifics of these materialization methods are not shared with the general public.